Invisible Forces
What connects us to the places and objects that surround us? What makes us seek out one place instead of another? One item instead of another? The invisible forces that guide our attention, reflect our tastes and pull us towards (or away) intrigue me immensely.
Our unique individuality is a genetic and biological advantage that appears in all animals from humans to bumble bees. What we like and don't like is as a result of our one-of-a-kind biology, environment and culture.
For me, I crave places of safety where curiosity and creativity can flourish. Symbols of these in everyday life are: homes that have been lovingly tended to, well-thought out design, and use genuine craftsmanship; Pottery that is well made and with thought to pattern and use; Gardens that have been landscaped with nature and beauty in mind.
These are examples of where humans have used the best of their abilities to make life better by making better things (thanks Seth Godin). These are the invisible forces that attract me. I wonder if they are similar for you too.

Available from
Acrylic on canvas
39cm x 39cm
$780 SOLD

Available direct from Julie
Acrylic on 300gsm watercolour paper
14cm x 14cm

Available direct from Julie
Acrylic on 300gsm watercolour paper
14cm x 14cm

Available direct from Julie
Acrylic on 300gsm watercolour paper
12.7cm x 17.8cm

Available direct from Julie
Acrylic on 300gsm watercolour paper
12.7cm x 17.8cm

Available direct from Julie
Acrylic on 300gsm watercolour paper
14cm x 14cm

Available direct from Julie
Acrylic on 300gsm watercolour paper
14cm x 14cm

Available direct from Julie
Acrylic on 300gsm watercolour paper
14cm x 14cm

Available direct from Julie
Acrylic on 300gsm watercolour paper
14cm x 14cm
Gallery contact details
+ Montville Art Gallery, Montville, QLD
Wayne, Tracey and Lisa
email: montart@montart.com.au
phone: 07 5442 9211
web: https://www.montvilleartgallery.com.au/artist/julie-lucht-de-freibruch/
address: 138 Main Street Montville Queensland 4560 Australia
open: 7 days 10am - 5pm
o Paper Pear Art Gallery, Wagga Wagga, NSW
email: steph@paperpear.com
phone: 0429 301 631
web: https://paperpear.com/artists/2022/8/11/julie-lucht-de-freibruch
address: 9 Gurwood Street Wagga Wagga NSW 2650
o Michael Reid Gallery, Murrurundi & Southern Highlands, NSW
James Stokes (Gallery manager Murrurundi)
email: jamesstokes@michaelreid.com.au
web: https://michaelreidsouthernhighlands.com.au/stock/universal-elixir/

Sizing Guide

Born in Belgium, Julie Lucht de Freibruch spent her early years in France and England before coming to Australia in 2006. Julie comes from a family of artists, including great-grandfather Ricciotto Canudo (1877-1923), friend of Picasso, Matisse and Jean Cocteau during the Cubist movement in 1910s and 1920s Paris.
Her work is inspired by her local environment, exploring Queensland’s vibrant tropical landscapes, its nature and distinctive buildings. The contrast between man-made and natural forms is a popular theme in her work.
Julie uses fluid acrylics in her paintings, her style inspired by the strong graphic design elements of printmaking, and atmospheric details of illustration.
Her characterful, colourful style has seen her undertake numerous private commissions and she is collected across the world. She lives near Noosa on the Sunshine Coast with her husband and two young children.